Classroom News
Welcome Back!
This week we took the time to revisit our classroom rules and get back into the routine. Students did a great job jumping right back into things. I was impressed with how well they were able to get right to work. This is the time of year where you can see students start to take off!
Despite a decent transition back to school, I still wanted to emphasize the importance of following our rules and being kind to one another. Currently, our hardest promise to stick with is calling out. Interruptions have plagued our classroom this year! We came up with a list of promises to follow.
Our Promises:
We promise not to call out.
We promise to stay in our own bubble.
We promise to be bucket fillers.
We promise to be kind and respectful of others and our things.
Please send your child with appropriate winter attire. Each day they should bring snow pants, a winter jacket, hat, gloves, boots, and so forth. Please make sure to pack their sneakers with them. If you would like to keep an extra pair with your child at school, you are more than welcome to do so!
Our classroom is in need of Kleenex boxes. Runny noses and coughs seem to be revisiting our classroom again :(
Paper towel rolls
If you have any extra CLEAN winter gloves or hats lying around that you need to get rid of, please considering donating them to our classroom stash. If students have come to school unprepared for the cold weather, we have properly cloth them!
New Year's Resolutions
This week we focused on the New Year! Students did a great job grasping the concept of New Year's Resolutions.
I have listed some of their brilliant ideas:
help others
mop the floor once a week
make my bed
be nice to my brother/sister
wear my glasses every day
don't call out
read more books on my own
work my hardest at school every day
be a good listener
be a good friend
This week was spent getting back into the swing of things during math class and refreshing on brains on composing numbers. Students worked together to make trains of cubes to 20. They learned that there was a new twist to this game. They had to have the exact number in order to win the game. This was a bit of a challenge for some students, but they quickly learned the rules and how to be a good sport when they won or lost! In addition to working on composing numbers, students worked on writing their numbers to 100. We will be working on making number scrolls out of our number sheets. This helps students visually understand the patterns in our 100's chart and at the same time they are practicing the correct number formations.