Classroom News
This week we our Literacy discussions focused on Circular
Stories. A great example of this is the
series “If you give a Pig a Pancake” by Laura Numeroff. We looked at eight of her books and wrote
about them using First, Next, Then, Finally.
These four words give a base for students to start writing at least four
sentences in his or her responses.
Students enjoyed writing their own circular stories! I am pushing
students to work on the formation of their lowercase letters and proper
capitalization while writing during literacy.
It is important that they have substance to their writing, but also that
it be legible and begin to look like first grade work!
Please continue to pack your child with appropriate attire
for the day. The temperature can fluctuate
on any given day in our room, so please have them dress in layers! Spring means
mud season in Vermont. Students will
continue to go out for recess and will be instructed to stay away from the mud
puddles. I know that wet, muddy clothes
are a hassle, so I will work with you to make recess a better experience for us
During math we have been continuing to work on addition and
subtraction problems. We learned how to
use dominoes to make addition problems and learned a new game called Disappearing
and Appearing Train. This game had
students adding and subtracting various numbers from their train. The object of the game was to be the first
one to get to zero!
As a cumulative project for our Animals in Winter unit, students worked in three rotations to share their knowledge of animals that hibernate, adapt and migrate! Below are pictures of each station.
Students on BrainPop Jr. learning about how animals migrate, hibernate and camouflage.
Students making animal tracks.
Students sharing their knowledge of how animals adapt to their environment.